Monday, September 28, 2015


This blog will use photos / videos taken from my yard and around Hawaii and past photos / videos from travels to show how one can always be watching out for nature and in the process appreciate and "watch out" for it!

I have always "observed" nature all around me. I notice nature outside the windows of my home and on the many highways and byways of my travels.
As I observe, I learn, categorize, and wonder.

I also love taking photographs.
I am especially fond of trying to capture birds and mammals. This is reinforced as my major in college was zoology.

Previously, I took photos for my students.
I always tried to use the photos to enrich student understanding of the world around and to spark an interest in how science surrounds all of us, all of the time.

The Blog will be organized into three parts:
Nature - At Home
Nature - Around Hawaii
Nature - Traveling

Now hopefully my photos, and observational anecdotes, can inspire and / or educate other "students" of nature!