Friday, April 15, 2016

“I've looked at clouds from both sides now…”

Since I first started taking photographs, I have always photographed magnificent cloud formations. 

Incredible cloud formations / from my porch / September 2015

Awe-inspiring cloud formations / from my porch / May 2013
It seems at the same time I was first conscious of the wonder of clouds, the Judy Collins song (written by Joni Mitchell ) was popular! 

“I've looked at clouds from both sides now,
from up and down, and still somehow
it's cloud illusions I recall.
I really don't know clouds at all.” Lyrics source

I always think of the words from the song when I notice clouds. Actually I really don’t know if the love of the song or the love of clouds came first! [As an aside, the song Both Sides Now is a beautifully poetic song actually with a deeper meaning related to life and love.]

Perhaps since I grew up in two areas that were close to the ocean, I always had views of beautiful and delightful clouds which drew me to look into the skies. 

Above the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi / Summer 1977
Near Papal summer residence / Summer 1977
But even when I went to Europe, after high school, I also saw, and photographed, these awe-inspiring clouds at two different religious sites. To my young, fanciful mind, they seemed like signs from God.

Layers of clouds / from my porch/ April 2016 

Layers of clouds / from an airplane / October 2013
Layers of clouds / from my porch / May 2013

In Hawaii, where I live now, there are many types of clouds visible from day to day. There could be three or more types in the sky at once. This creates fascinating and beautiful displays.

Hawaii is also the place where I have seen clouds move the fastest. At one time I heard that clouds don’t move, it is only the Earth moving. But if you have ever been in Hawaii, you probably would have seen the clouds moving!

 Moving clouds / from my porch / January 2015

After listening to some lectures on weather and teaching Earth Space Science to eight graders for many years, I have learned some important scientific essentials about clouds. 
1) Clouds can be simply recognized as three main types - cumulus, stratus, and cirrus. These types are grouped by shape.  
Cumulus clouds / Aiea area / April 2016

According to NOAA there are ten main types of clouds and some of these are distinguished by the clouds’ location within the sky. NOAA source 
Stratus and cirrus clouds / from my porch/ June 2014
Cirrus clouds / from my porch/ April 2016
Cirrus clouds / from my porch/ April 2016

I see a lot of cirrus clouds here in Hawaii and I always think about how these clouds are made of ice crystals high in the sky!

2) Fog is a very low stratus cloud. (Yes, we have fog in Hawaii!)
Fog (stratus cloud) / Aiea Heights looking toward Diamond Head / November 2015
Cumulus clouds beginning to change / Aiea area / March 2016

3) An individual cloud or cloud formation can change from one type to another. The most common and visible type is when cumulus clouds begin to “tower” becoming cumulonimbus clouds which precede thunderstorms.
Cumulus clouds beginning to change / from my porch / September 2015

Cumulonimbus clouds / from my porch / September 2015

Tornadoes over the ocean / from my porch / May 2011
4) Clouds are wonderful predictors of many types of weather. General information on clouds & weather 

Look at the rain over the city in the first photo and look closely for the double water spouts during that infamous stretch of thunderstorms in May of 2011. Data on the storms

Although I did not plan it, it is funny that my blog from last week, on no rain, progressed to my blog on clouds this week. And it even rained within the week between the blogs!

Please forgive any misidentification of clouds; the many types are actually very complicated to identify. Detailed, kid-friendly source with many cloud types

No matter which type of clouds you are viewing, clouds can provide some of the most picturesque and captivating images of nature. So watch out for your own spectacular cloud views - “from both sides now!” 
A carpet of clouds / from an airplane / October 2013

Puffs of clouds / Kailua Beach / February 2016

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