Saturday, June 25, 2016

"Purple haze" - of flowers!

[Hopefully many of you recognize the Jimi Hendrix song title.  Using the title to that powerful, but mysterious song, has no other significance then it sounded good and purple is my favorite color!]

This blog is dedicated to my high school, and later further friendship in Hawaii, friend and her husband. They did such a wonderful job hosting us in New England and giving us great information about Acadia National Park. 

Sunset on drive to the lake / New Hampshire / June 2016 

Newfound Lake view / New Hampshire / June 2016
Newfound Lake clouds / New Hampshire / June 2016

Profile Falls / New Hampshire / June 2016
There will be much more to come on our extended trip to the East Coast and the wonderful nature viewings there but this blog will be short and sweet. 
Town from the wharf area / Camden, ME / June 2016
One of the best recommendations from my friend about Acadia National Park was - go for tea at the Jordan Pond House and have popovers! 
Jordan Pond House/ Acadia National Park, ME / June 2016
Since popovers were a childhood treat made by my grandmother, we had to go! On our first day in the park we took the Park Loop Road which took us by Jordan Pond House. Luckily we were able to just walk in and have a delicious meal (lobster stew and two and a half popovers each) in an idyllic setting with a sweet waitress. 
Jordan Pond/ Acadia National Park, ME / June 2016

Jordan Pond/ Acadia National Park, ME / June 2016
The weather was gorgeous and our scrumptious afternoon-tea meal overlooked the picturesque Jordan Pond. The "pond" (lake-sized water features are ponds in Maine!) is surrounded by green mountains, granite boulder, and pine tree shores. 

After walking by the Pond and headed out the frontI was taking many photos and realized so many of my photos were in purple. So one of my many blog topics from our trip came to me - purple flowers! 
Lupine flowers / Jordan Pond House, ME / June 2016
Did the groundskeepers plant with a purple theme in mind?
Do many annuals which have purple flowers bloom in early June?
Knowing how it snows in Maine, how quickly did the groundskeepers plant all these flowers? Were they first grown to flower in a greenhouse?

Lupine flower / Jordan Pond House, ANP, ME / June 2016

With limited resources for this blog (“on the road”), I will identify only what I know. The first photos  I took were of the familiar Lupine

We had seen many alongside the freeways all along the way. 

Were these the same lupine as found in California? The floret “spikes” seemed taller. 

Incidentally, Lupine are in the Fabaceae or legume family of which I have written many times! (March 10, 2016: Winter flowering plants / trees in Hawai’i and April 28, 2016: Fluffy Flowers)

There were pretty Pansies - a flower of childhood memories. Possibly not even planted - a “volunteer” plant.
Pansies / Jordan Pond House, ANP, ME / June 2016

Pansies up close / Jordan Pond House, ANP, ME / June 2016
And something like a hollyhock…
Unknown dark purple flower / Jordan Pond House, ANP, ME / June 2016
There was Wisteria in a very light purple, almost pink, color but since I know it let us say it is light purple! We grew it in our first house in Davis. 
Wisteria blooms / Jordan Pond House, ANP, ME / June 2016 

Wisteria blooms / Jordan Pond House, ANP, ME / June 2016 

And a delicate and tiny pansy-shaped flower in florets.  
Unknown purple flower / Jordan Pond House, ANP, ME / June 2016

So watch out for June nature and see if you see a predominance of a "purple haze" of flowers!

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