Thursday, October 1, 2015


It is raining yet again! At least the weather is cooler. It really feels like we may have what constitutes our fall in Hawaii  - the bit of relief from heat and humidity. In the past, when I taught weather many students who had experienced weather in other parts of the world would always say that Hawaii does not have seasons. I told them Hawaii does have seasons; the seasons are just not the stereotypical seasons others may experience in different parts of the United States and the world.

As an extreme, can any of us in the Northern Hemisphere grasp what it must be like to have a wintry June, July, and August? I know there are some areas of the Northern United States which have experienced snow in some of those months but imagine a long stretch of the coldest temperatures of your year during those months. I have friends who live in Australia and even the school year is arranged, and marked," differently! So the seasons Australia has are not "our" seasons. Every part of the world has seasons as the Earth revolving, and the changing tilt of the Earth in relation to the sun, create seasons. And we are all "traveling through space" on Earth!

Here in Hawaii, I can feel those subtle changes in weather as our Earth revolves away from its full tilt towards the sun. Yes, there may be those days interspersed, in December, which make us think of summer but in general there are many differences. Of course, with the strange weather we are having this year, I hope we do feel those seasonal differences.

Here are a few noticeable differences that I notice over the year. The ocean gets considerably colder and I will not swim in the ocean in December; it is too cold. If you are from here, try to scuba dive in winter. Of course, I was told the scuba dive business is busiest in winter! Also, you may not have realized it but plumeria trees lose their leaves at this time of year and definitely have a season of blooming and rebirth as do many of our flowering trees.

To get to the pages with photos and informational text, look to the side bar. With my first post, I created my first Nature - Traveling page, sharing highlights from a summer camping trip. For this post, I have just added the Nature - At Home page. (Couldn't get it to "link" properly.) Nature - Around Hawaii is not complete at this time.

The Blog will be organized into three parts:
Nature - At Home
Nature - Around Hawaii
Nature - Traveling

Enjoy! And remember October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. If you know someone who has or had cancer, give them your love and support!

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