Thursday, December 17, 2015

Red and green colors of the season - in nature

In celebration of the holiday season, I decided to post photos of animals with the brightest natural colors of red and green! One of the wonders of nature is the amazing colors that are found in living things. For these colors, I turned to revisits of two previously described animals - one of my all time favorites, the Northern Red Cardinal Cornell Lab of Ornithology information and a missed favorite, the Green AnoleLizards in Hawaii

Northern Red Cardinal / on my lawn / November 2015 
Green Anole / in my backyard / November 2015
I still look out for "my" Cardinal whenever I hear its loud persistent chirp. I love to watch its bright figure flit from plant to plant. I also do see the female periodically. [Thursday, October 8, 2015 Still Favorite Birds / Nature at Home - October 1, 2015

I keep trying for closer and closer photos. I also am keeping my eye out for baby cardinals but haven't seen any signs yet. 

A couple of weeks ago, I was thrilled to see this large Green Anole in my yard! I was cutting back vegetation in my yard and saw it after everything was cleared away. 

Perhaps rather than going “high” as sited in another blogger’s site, the Green Anole likes to live among moist cool, green foliage! In contrast, I almost always see the Brown Anole in dryer more open areas. This Green Anole was very close to the ground. [ “When threatened, the green anole tends to go up, the brown anole down.” Hawaii Nature Journal

The absence of the Green Anole was discussed in a past blog when I lamented how long it had been since I had seen a Green Anole around my yard. That blog dealt with the more aggressive Brown Anole which now dominates my yard. [Thursday, October 29, 2015 More violence in my yard!] 

It was nice to observe the Green Anole again. It is pretty, shy, and slow moving as opposed to the bold, aggressive, and swift Brown Anole.
Green Anole / in my backyard / November 2015

Hope all your holiday happenings are peaceful and joyful!

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