Friday, October 7, 2016

Many animals all (except one) in one Washington state neighborhood!

Group of deer / Anacortes, WA / August 2016
During the summer, we often travel to Washington state to visit our family in Anacortes and Olympia. This blog is dedicated to them. They are all such wonderful and gracious hosts, for any length of time, and they provide for our every need and beyond! 

This summer while in the small town of Anacortes we saw the most deer that we have ever seen there! (Also so many of the deer were "antlered" males!) 

I am not sure why there were so many deer to be seen. Possibly we saw more because we were there later in the summer as we were there in August as opposed to June. 

Deer Sightings (I think these are Black-tailed deer although I am not sure. Source) - 
The deer were in a backyard (where there is an apple tree)…

Two young deer / Anacortes, WA / August 2016
Young male deer / Anacortes, WA / August 2016 

Across the street… (a blurry shot but it was such a impressive "antlered" juvenile male!)
Juvenile male deer / Anacortes, WA / August 2016
Deer twins / Anacortes, WA / August 2016

In a yard while we went on a walk…

First we saw the "twins" and then the concerned mother! Perhaps a little too close. :{

Adult female deer / Anacortes, WA / August 2016

On a street, near the marina…

Male deer / Anacortes, WA / August 2016

Quail / Anacortes, WA / August 2016
On a morning run, I saw a menagerie of animals…

I saw a quail as I ran down a nearby street.

Rabbits/ Anacortes, WA / August 2016

Coming back I saw the usual rabbits in the neighborhood yards and / or green space. 

Raccoons / Anacortes, WA / August 2016

Raccoon close-up / Anacortes, WA / August 2016
And then I saw two raccoons just down the street! That is the first time I have ever seen raccoons in a neighborhood. (We have seen them at campgrounds.) 

One quickly left but look how intensely the other one kept looking at me the whole time!

When in Olympia, I was not happy, but interested, to see a garter snake in the backyard! (I love Hawaii because there are no snakes.) Snake identification 
Garter snake/ Olympia, WA / August 2016
Planted marigolds were meant to keep the snakes away. At least this snake wasn’t near the marigold plants. Plantings to deter snakes

On one of the final days in Washington, there were crows creating a ruckus just across the street! Crows seem to be the only larger birds I have seen in a neighborhood. I saw a number of crows on that trip which became an earlier blog [August 25, 2016 - A murder! Of crows…].
Loud crows on roof / Anacortes, WA / August 2016
I was very sorry I did not have a camera one day as we drove in and saw a family of coyotes! I have not ever seen that in a neighborhood. It is actually sort of scary since coyotes can prey on cats and / or small dogs. Have you ever heard coyotes yipping at night? I have heard that eerie sound many times while staying in rural homes but for a few nights I could hear the cries while in a neighborhood! 

So when you go to the Pacific Northwest perhaps you will be as lucky as I was in “watching out for nature” and you too might see as many species just while walking around a neighborhood or two!

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